So I did some research and here is what I found....
- From Answers...
The custom of the kiss can be traced back to the Ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, and observances around the Winter Solstice at year end. Later, the New Year's Eve kiss would come to be seen as a barometer for things to come. In old English and German legends, the first person you came in contact with when the bells chimed midnight, be it a familiar friend or just an acquaintance, set the tone for your happiness and fortune in the coming year. A kiss with one you loved ensured good tidings, but to have to kiss someone less favorable, or not kiss anyone at all, would mean misfortune in the upcoming year.
-Wiki says...
In some Western cultures, it is a custom for people to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Some hold the superstition that failing to kiss someone ensures a year of loneliness.[18]
- And whether you like them... or not Huffington Post writes...
According to English andGerman folklore, the first person you encounter in a new year -- and the nature of this encounter -- sets the tone for the rest of the year. A kiss is about strengthening ties you wish to maintain in the future.If a couple celebrating together doesn't take the time to lock lips, it doesn't bode well for the relationship.
So now that we know why people kiss on midnight of New Years eve lets learn some more!!!
How TO get a New Years eve Kiss.
1. Get a date or be a creep.
1. a. Get a date- Getting a date involves asking someone on a date with you. I know this may be difficult for many of you. If you are too afraid to mutter the words, "Will you go on a date with me?" just say, "Do you want to hang out?" We all know that "hanging out" is really code for, "I want to go on a date with you but I'm too afraid to just ask you out."
1. b. Be a creep- If hanging out is still too intimidating for you become a creep. I am personally really good at creeping on people on facebook and such. Use your creep skills to discover where your crush/ special someone will be during New Years. After you discover this secret be there as well.
* Side note- DO NOT BE TOO CREEPY! This will turn your crush away from you faster then a cheetah on a skate board. Do NOT physically creep through their place trying to discover where they will be because I will not vouch for you if the cops try to haul away your behind.
2.Come Prepared- this involves many aspects like...
-put on deodorant and wear perfume/ cologne
-brush your teeth and eat mints/ chew gum
-brush and do your hair nicely
-wear a cute outfit
-extra moisturize your smoocher
-be confident! After all it is key!
3.Chat it up- talk to many people at the party this does many things including helping you to make friends or maybe meet another special someone if the one you're there for turns out to be not so great.
If you are a girl and you only talk to girls... You are not giving guys an opportunity to talk to you, you are staying in the wolf pack, and the wolf pack is intimidating to guys.
If you are a girl and you only talk to guys... when you read the previous you may have discovered what is referred to as the wolf pack. This wolf pack will turn on you and try to find the best way to destroy you because you crossed the territory line.
If you are a guy and only talk to guys... well your giving off the wrong vibes.
If you are a guy and only talk to girls... you may be viewed as a player.
4. Mention that you wouldn't mind a kiss- Subtly tell your crush/ special person that you wouldn't mind a New Years kiss. Key word here is subtly. Maybe you would write a Facebook post about it, maybe mention it in your blog... perhaps like I am :) *if you know who you are, you know who you are!
5. Be around your crush before midnight- This is obvious!
Now if you DON'T want a kiss, do the opposite of all the previous, you could also bring your Grandma to the party... because that is weird!
Hope you don't get mano!
Have fun and Good Luck!
Afton Michelle!